RSPO Supply Chain Certification

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Certification for Supply Chains

What is RSPO Supply Chain Certification?

Palm oil is the world’s #1 most traded vegetable oil.  In response to growing concerns about palm oil’s effect on the environment and society, the Round Table of Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was formed in 2004. RSPO Principles and Criteria (P&C) Certification is the best way to demonstrate globally that palm oil production is sustainable, legal, economically viable, and does not negatively impact the environment, wildlife, workers, or communities. The updated RSPO P&C Standard 2018 promotes zero deforestation, shared responsibility, zero burn, and social compliance. A growing number of brands and consumers worldwide are demanding Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) to be sourced for supply chains. Certified products offer consumers a sustainable alternative to conventional palm oil. To maintain the highest level of integrity, on-site audits and stakeholder consultation are performed.

See our progress at:

Why Choose SCS?

With 40 years of experience in sustainability certifications, SCS Global Services is dedicated to providing quality service with its team of expert palm oil auditors worldwide. Accredited to P&C and Supply Chain (SCCS), our knowledgeable staff prioritize responsive, helpful customer service and make sure that audits are thorough in order to reduce risk for organizations seeking certification. Additionally, we employ our team of auditors in your region to ensure they understand local context. Successfully achieving RSPO certification helps your organization to showcase its transparency and credibility to your stakeholders and customers. Become recognized as a contributor to RSPO’s global leadership in sustainable palm oil and apply today.

Ready to apply? Fill out an application for Supply Chain Certification in English, Spanish, or French.

  • Process
  • Benefits
  • FAQs
  • Certified Clients
  • Program Documents
  1. Become a Member of RSPO
    Eligibility to undergo RSPO audits is limited to members of the RSPO. To become a member of RSPO, go to
  2. Apply for Certification 
    Complete and submit the SCS Application form in English or Spanish. SCS will then prepare a proposal for your approval with suggested scope of work, timeline and quote. If the proposal meets your needs you will sign a Work Order and the audit will be scheduled.
  3. Written Procedures
    Create company procedures that demonstrate how certified palm oil products will be tracked throughout your operation. SCS provides guidance to help explain the Principles & Criteria (P&C) or Supply Chain Certification System (SCCS) requirements.
  4. Pre-Audit Assessment (Optional) 
    An SCS auditor will review your procedures for thoroughness and conformance. The auditor identifies areas for improvement in the procedures prior to the audit.
  5. On-site Audit 
    During a site visit, an SCS auditor will review SCCS procedures and records to determine compliance to the RSPO Supply Chain Standard. Additionally, the auditor will tour the operations where certified material is handled and interview key staff. We look for evidence that staff has been duly trained in SCCS responsibilities and that staff possess an understanding of the workflow for certified products.
  6. Assessment Report 
    Based on audit findings, SCS produces an audit report. The audit report is submitted to the SCS Technical Team who validates the appropriateness of the auditor's methodology and conclusions.
  7. Make Certification Decision
    The Technical Team decides whether to grant certification. If granted, you will be issued a certificate valid for a five-year period, with annual surveillance audits. Any conditional Major Corrective Action Requests (CARs) identified by SCS must be closed prior to obtaining certification. SCS can also provide client marketing support.
  8. Maintain Certification 
    Annual surveillance audits are required to maintain SCCS certification. Certified companies are listed on the official RSPO Supply Chain certificate holder database. Certified companies are granted permission to use trademarks for on-product and off-product applications in conformance with the appropriate trademark rules.
  • Expand and retain your market share with a growing number of brands, retailers, and customers who require RSPO certified palm oil and palm kernel oil
  • Minimize risk and protect your brand and products with shared responsibility throughout the supply chain
  • Use the RSPO trademark to promote your sustainable, forest friendly, and No Deforestation, No Peat, and No Exploitation (NDPE) palm oil commitments to your supply chain and consumers
  • Stay on par with competitors and brands that have RSPO certification such as General Mills, Kimberly Clark, Sara Lee, Gilchrist & Soames, and more; and Book & Claim audits such as Seventh Generation, Estee Lauder, and Krispy Kreme
  • Display transparency and credibility with stakeholders
  • Be recognized as a contributor to RSPO’s global leadership in sustainable palm oil

Who is eligible for RSPO certification? 
Anyone that has legal ownership of RSPO oil palm products or physically manipulates and/or stores RSPO palm oil products should get RSPO certified. Eligibility to undergo RSPO audits is limited to members of the RSPO. To become a member of RSPO, go to

Who is RSPO Principles & Criteria Certification for?
RSPO Principles & Criteria (P&C) Certification is for oil palm growers and palm oil mills that want to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable production. Learn more here.

Who is RSPO Supply Chain Certification for? 
RSPO Supply Chain Certification System (SCCS) is for independent mills, downstream processors, crushers, refineries, ingredient manufacturers, oleochemical processors, and end-product manufacturers that want to assure consumers and buyers of palm oil products that their palm oil is sustainable and more environmentally friendly. RSPO Certification allows companies to make claims regarding the traceability of the palm oil content in their products.

Traders and distributors do not require supply chain certification, but should obtain a distributors license from RSPO if they take legal ownership, store and sell products to customers but do not unpack, repack, or relabel these products. Contact RSPO to apply for a license.

What are the costs and fees associated with RSPO certification? 
Prices for SCS auditing services varies depending on the location, size and complexity of your operation. Please contact us for a custom quote and to determine if certification is right for you.

What is the timeline to obtain RSPO certification?
Once a company has agreed to contract SCS as their certification body, the typical timeline to conduct an initial certification is 2-3 months. Upon completion of a certification audit the company can expect their certification report within two weeks and certification will be issued pending closure of any findings.

How long is my RSPO certificate valid? 
A RSPO Certificate is valid for five years. Annual surveillance audits are required to maintain your certificate.

Can I bundle RSPO certification with other SCS services? 
Ask about bundling related certification services for your industry, with programs like the International Sustainably and Carbon Certification (ISCC) and food safety assessments which could save your company time and money.

Below is a list of operators who are currently certified by SCS Global Services to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) standards:

Client Certificate Type: Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Supply Chain 
All companies currently certified according to the requirements of the RSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (RSPO SCCS) can be found using RSPO Supply Chain Certificate Holder database.

The RSPO certificate holder database is the official database of RSPO SCCS certificate holders. Select SCS (Scientific Certification Systems) within the "Certification Body" dropdown menu to search for all companies certified by SCS.

Map of SCS’ RSPO Certified Clients

Document Name Document
Application - P&C Certification for Oil Palm Growers English   |   Spanish   |   French
Application - P&C Independent Smallholder Standard English
Application - RSPO Certification for Supply Chains English   |   Spanish   |   French   |   German   |   Chinese Simplified
Feedstock Specific Certifications with SCS English   |   Spanish
Guide to RSPO Supply Chain Certification English
NASPON Derivatives List English
NASPON Vendor Survey English
RSPO Education Booklet English
RSPO Principles & Criteria Certification – Brochure English   |   Spanish
RSPO Program Documents Visit Site
RSPO Supply Chain Certification – Brochure English   |   Spanish

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